I thought there were many strengths and weakness' we faced when making this preliminary task. Firstly the weakness' were that everything was limited, for instance the props were limited as it was during school hours and there weren't too many props we could use from school. There was limited costumes so we had to make do with the clothes that we had came to sixth form in that day. Also the locations were extremely limited as there was only one place we wanted to film in the whole school and the majority of the time that room was being used by another group. Another problem we faced was the camera. For some reason the majority of our shots were quite blurry which obviously affected the overall film because some of it was blurry and faded. Also we had quite a lot of background noise in our film which was quite annoying as there was no way we could get rid of it.
However we did have many positives. Our group did manage to get a lot of different and good camera angles, this gave us a lot of variation to the film and final edit did look very professional and original. Another positive was that we got our lighting right, all the lights we had in the room had to be placed correctly and had to be the right strength and in my opinion I think we got it spot on.
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